In the aftermath of the recent sexual assault incident at Anna University, Tamilaga Vetri Kazhagam (TVK) leader Vijay met Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi on December 30 to submit a petition outlining three key demands. The petition emphasised the need to enhance law and order in the state, implement measures to ensure the safety of women across Tamil Nadu, and secure the full relief amount requested by the state government for cyclone damages.
Vijay was accompanied by TVK General Secretary Anand and Treasurer Venkatraman during the meeting. He presented a detailed three-page report, prepared in both Tamil and English, to the Governor.
In a statement following the meeting, TVK General Secretary Anand said, “Under the leadership of our party leader Vijay, we met Governor RN Ravi today and submitted a petition. We urged that the law and order situation in Tamil Nadu be maintained, necessary measures be taken to protect women, and adequate relief be provided to those affected by Cyclone Fengal and the monsoon across Tamil Nadu.
The Governor assured us that he would consider our demands.”
The sexual assault incident at Anna University has sparked outrage statewide. Political parties, including AIADMK and BJP, have staged protests condemning the crime.
TVK leader Vijay also expressed his condemnation and extended his support to the survivor through a handwritten letter, stating, “As your brother, I will firmly stand by you in all circumstances. Do not worry; focus on your education. We will ensure a safe Tamil Nadu.”
Copies of Vijay’s letter have been distributed by TVK Women’s Wing administrators to women across Tamil Nadu, underscoring the party’s commitment to addressing safety concerns and supporting the affected.