Saravana Sundar has been appointed as the new Coimbatore City Police Commissioner. Balakrishnan IPS, the outgoing Commissioner, has been transferred to serve as the Inspector General (IG) at the Chennai DGP office. Saravana Sundar, who previously served as the Coimbatore DIG, has been promoted to the rank of IG and assumed his new role as the Coimbatore City Police Commissioner today.
During his swearing-in ceremony, Saravana Sundar expressed gratitude to the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for entrusting him with this responsibility. Addressing the media, he outlined his priorities, which include controlling criminal activities, preventing crimes against women, reducing accidents and fatalities, and enhancing the efficiency of police operations across the city. He emphasised the importance of implementing the Beat Office project to ensure round-the-clock monitoring of Coimbatore, intensifying law and order enforcement, taking strict action against rowdies, combating issues like cannabis addiction, and apprehending those involved in such illegal activities. He also assured that all initiatives started by the previous commissioner would be executed efficiently.
When asked about the challenges he anticipates in Coimbatore, Saravana Sundar identified rowdyism, maintaining law and order, and managing traffic as significant concerns. He remarked, “I have only taken office today, and action will be taken based on the situation.”