As the year 2024 drew to a close on Tuesday, the quiet villages of Valapadi Union in Salem district witnessed a flurry of activity as District Collector Dr. R. Brindha Devi, embarked on an inspection tour. Her visit spotlighted on going developmental projects aimed at improving the lives of rural communities, a testament to the Tamil Nadu government’s commitment to delivering essential infrastructure.
In the past 3.5 years, Valapadi Union has seen a remarkable transformation with 3,488 projects worth Rs. 111.58 crore initiated under various schemes. Of these, 2,132 have been completed, while work continues on the remaining 1,356.
The inspection began in Singipuram, where a Rs. 2 lakh farm pond constructed under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) serves as a symbol of sustainable water management. Nearby, 15 houses are under construction in Singipuram, Vilaripalayam, Kurichi, and Puzhuthikuttai at a cost of Rs. 52.50 lakh under the Kalaignar Housing Scheme.
Moving to Vilaripalayam, Dr. Brindha Devi examined the Rs. 18.42 lakh overhead water tank project, with a capacity of 30,000 liters, catering to the Motthur settlement. In the same village, repairs are underway for rural houses under a Rs. 4.50 lakh renovation initiative.
Education infrastructure is also receiving a boost. In Puzhuthikuttai Panchayat Union Primary School, two new classrooms are being built at a cost of Rs. 32.80 lakh, ensuring better learning environments for children. Dr. Brindha Devi emphasized the government’s dedication to completing these projects on time and maintaining high-quality standards. Addressing reporters, she remarked, “Our focus remains on ensuring essential facilities reach the public seamlessly which brings about inclusive growth for the welfare of rural communities. Continuous inspections help us address challenges and expedite progress.” With Rs.1.10 crore worth of 21 projects currently in progress, Valapadi Union is steadily moving toward a brighter future said the collector.