Tamil Nadu Sports Development Authority will hold District, Zonal and State level “Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Trophy ” sports competitions in 27 sports in 5 categories for school, college students, differently abled, public and government employees in the coming months of September and October, said Coimbatore District Collector Mr.Kranthi Kumar Padi.
The organizing committee meeting for the event was held under the chairmanship of Collector, District Youth Welfare and Sports Officer Mr. Aruna, Police, School Education Department, Higher Education Department, Panchayats Department, Persons with Disabilities Welfare Department were present in this meeting.
The "Tamil Nadu Chief Minister's Cup" sports competitions are being conducted on a par with national level competitions. Various new sports have been added to the competitions to be held this year and 27 sports in 5 categories of school, college students, differently-abled, public and government employees in 53 categories.
Winners of individual competitions at the state level will be awarded first prize of Rs.1 lakh, second prize of Rs.75 thousand and third prize of Rs.50 thousand. The first prize of Rs.75,000, second prize of Rs.50,000 and third prize of Rs.25,000 will be awarded to the winners of the group competitions.