Sanggeetha Natiya Gurukkulam Arts Studio, RagsStar Media Global, Bharata Chakra Cultural Unity Academy and RagsStar International Book Of Record's Pvt Ltd from Johor Bahru, Malaysia. The Chairman of all these companies, Dr.Ragavi Pavaneswary organised a worth noting event which reached the height of great success, a world record breaking new world record. 1854 people from many countries participated in this world record and made a name as a new record holder.
The event was held at Iskandar Puteri Hall, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Artists was in an attempt to achieve a world record at an international level Integrated into Virtual & Non Virtual.
Joined by Johor Bahru, Malaysia singers Kathir, Komathi, Rishi and Singapore singer Kareem & Team who sang many songs live to make the event even better. Dr. Ragavi's Management team Vinaya, Datin Asha Devi, Kamily Balan, Saravana and Parthiban made the event very successful. The event was hosted by Online Television Specialists MKU & Tazhal Media.