Following the conclusion of polling for the Lok Sabha General Election, the focus now shifts to the meticulous process of counting votes. EVMs from polling centers across Salem North, Salem West, Salem South, Veerapandi, Edappadi, and Omalur assembly constituencies, all falling under the Salem Lok Sabha Constituency, have been securely transferred to the designated vote counting center.
District Electoral Officer and District Collector Dr. R Brindadevi, accompanied by City Police Commissioner Mrs. P. Vijayakumari, conducted a thorough inspection of the vote counting center at Karuppur on April 22, 2024. The center, tasked with counting the electronic voting machines (EVMs) used in the Salem Lok Sabha Constituency, is fortified with five layers of security.
The vote counting center, strategically located at Karuppur, spans both the Government Engineering College campus, with comprehensive monitoring and security measures. The presence of District Election Officer Dr. R Brindadevi and Municipal Police Commissioner Mrs. P. Vijayakumari underscores the gravity of the task at hand.
Stringent security protocols have been implemented, with the vote counting center enveloped in a multi-layered security blanket. Surveillance is bolstered by CCTV cameras positioned throughout the premises, providing constant vigilance over the EVMs. The security detail comprises personnel from the Central Industrial Security Force, Police Department, Armed Forces, and Battalion Police Force, collectively ensuring the integrity of the electoral process.
Moreover, transparency is upheld through continuous monitoring of the reserve room for each assembly constituency. Agents of the contesting candidates, alongside government officials and police personnel, maintain round-the-clock surveillance via web cameras installed in the control room.
As the nation awaits the outcome of the electoral exercise, the rigorous oversight and security arrangements at the counting centers will be pivotal to fair and transparent counting of votes in the Salem Lok Sabha Constituency said officials.