
7th Edition of Penang Roadshow to India 2024

PenangConvention&Exhibition Bureau (PCEB) is thrilled to unveil the highly anticipated7theditionofthePenang Roadshow to India 2024, spanning across four diversecitiesfrom15to22January– Mumbai (1

PenangConvention&Exhibition Bureau (PCEB) is thrilled to unveil the highly anticipated7theditionofthePenang Roadshow to India 2024, spanning across four diversecitiesfrom15to22January– Mumbai (15 January), New Delhi (17 January), Chennai(19January),andKochi(22January). 

The‘PenangOdyssey’campaignisa strategic initiative by PCEB aimed at elevating Penangasthepreferreddestinationforbothbusinessmeetingsand leisure escapades intheIndianmarket.The Penang Odyssey aimstoshowcasePenang'sdiverseofferings,forging connections that transcend bordersandunveilingtheimmensepotentialforcollaborationbetweenPenang and the Indian travel industry.

Recognizing the growing demand and interestfromtheIndianmarket,Penangisactively working to establish additional direct flights,providingmoreconvenientoptions for those looking to explore the vibrant charm of Penang.This expansive roadshow provides a unique opportunity for Indian travel enthusiasts and industry professionals to immerse themselves in the offerings of Penang, a destination celebrated for its unique blend of cultural richness and contemporary allure.