Seeman's comments about Periyar have sparked widespread opposition across Tamil Nadu, leading to protests and multiple police complaints. While many political leaders condemned Seeman, Tamil Nadu BJP President K. Annamalai supported him. Meanwhile, actor Vijay, who accepts Periyar and Ambedkar as ideological leaders, has remained silent, causing debate.
Vijay's emerging political presence threatens Seeman's Naam Tamilar Katchi (NTK) by attracting votes that might have otherwise gone to NTK. Seeman initially hoped for an alliance with Vijay, but Vijay distanced himself and subtly criticized Seeman by embracing Periyar and Ambedkar. This has led Seeman to attack Vijay harshly.
Seeman's opposition to the Dravidian ideology indirectly benefits the BJP. Vijay’s gradual acceptance of Periyar and Ambedkar strengthens his youth support, negatively impacting Seeman. Vijay’s silence on Seeman’s remarks has also sparked dissatisfaction.
Criticizing Periyar will likely harm Seeman politically, while Vijay’s lack of response might also backfire.
Seeman’s remarks on Periyar spark backlash as Vijay’s silence fuels debate
03:42 PM Jan 13, 2025
| Afternoon News