Last January, Tamil Nadu Governor R.N. Ravi posted animage of Thiruvalluvar dressed in saffron and wished him a happy Thiruvalluvar day. While this matter had raised severe criticism, protests arose from various quarters. In this situation, now such a controversy has arisen again.
In the invitation issued by the Governor's Office in the name of ThiruvalluvarThirunaal festival, the picture of Thiruvalluvar in saffron dress has caused controversy again, courtesy the Governor R.N Ravi.
He does it even though he knows that there will be strong opposition.
Various organizations and public are condemning this. In the pictures used by the Tamil Nadu government, Thiruvaluvar is seen wearing a white dress. Can the Governor paint saffron on the Thiruvalluvar’s portrait officially released by the government? In what way is it fair for the Governor to alterthe portrait released officially by the Tamilnadu Government as though it is the notification of the state government?
Whether Thiruvalluvaris Hindu or Jain? The argument is unnecessary. Thirukkural is universally admired for giving priority to thought and knowledge.
It has been translated into almost all the major languages of the world and is celebrated by people of all religions in the world.
That being the case, there is no need to try to establish `Thiruvalluvar as a Hindu' by applying religious colour. Doing so is nothing but lowering the dignity of Thiruvalluvar in the world arena. It is also against secularism guaranteed by the Constitution.
Making Tiruvalluvar a subject of argument is nothing but an act of insulting Tamils.