
High court reigns in unfair Omni Bus fares

Legal actions have been brought before the High Court to ensure that the Ordinance which stipulates that Omni Bus Companies may be held accountable for their unethical service pricing. is properly imp

Legal actions have been brought before the High Court to ensure that the Ordinance which stipulates that Omni Bus Companies may be held accountable for their unethical service pricing. is properly implemented. A panel made up of Justice D. BharathaChakraborty and Chief Justice S.V. Gangapurwala heard these cases.
The petitioners alleged that, "Transport authorities are not taking any strict action against omni buses that charge extra to the public". On the government's side, it was planned to impose a fine of up to Rs. 50 thousand on buses that charge extra. It was reported that the authorities have been instructed to intensify the inspection.
Although in many cases the court has ordered strict action against the private buses charging extra fees, the authorities are not implementing it. Merely imposing a fine is not enough. The authorities should take strict measures like temporarily cancelling the license of private buses that charge extra. Only then will there be a permanent solution to this problem.
This present order has come as a shock to the owners of omni buses. However, the Omni Bus Owners Association should deliberate on the matter and come to a conclusion that the fare will be the same at all times respecting the court order.
The High Court has reined in. It is expected that Tamil Nadu government will take steps to implement the High Court order by imposing huge fines on the fare evading bus.
Besides, the Tamil Nadu government should not hesitate to take the step of revoking the license of omnibuses that violate the rulings by the judges. Both the parties should negotiate and ensure unanimous implementation of the order in the High Court.