
Gold prices plunge: Trump's Re-Election: A wedding season boon for Indian gold buyers

After Trump's victory, gold prices have plunged almost 6% lower. This  is the biggest boon for Indians especially when the number of gold buyers has increased with the wedding season onset in Ind

After Trump's victory, gold prices have plunged almost 6% lower. This  is the biggest boon for Indians especially when the number of gold buyers has increased with the wedding season onset in India.
With the low price of gold, the number of people who want to buy gold has increased tremendously, so the number of visitors to jewelery shops has increased in the last 2 weeks.
There is a position that the victory of Donald Trump will not only boost the US economy but also increase inflation. Gold prices have started to decline as interest rate cuts will be blocked due to this.
Even as the rupee has depreciated, the price of gold has fallen beyond that. While many were waiting for the price of gold to come down, its price has come down nicely. The advice of Indian economists is not to wait for gold to fall further.
The price of gold will remain like this for another 3 months. But don't expect to buy at the lowest price. It is impossible to predict what the minimum price will be. We've got a cap like this for a few months. After that, the price of gold will start rising,'' is their prediction.
If the Trump administration cuts interest rates, inflation will follow immediately. There is no doubt that this will increase the price of gold. So now is the perfect time to buy gold!