The 'Tamil Thembu' festival, the world's oldest spiritual culture, will take place daily until March 17 at the Isha Yoga Centre in Coimbatore. The festival, held for 9 days after Mahashivratri, offers a vibrant showcase of Tamil life including spirituality, science, medicine, sports, folk art performances, Rekla race, a country cow fair and market, and a traditional food festival. Additionally, visitors can enjoy entertainment choices such as horse riding, camel riding, and experiencing the Roller Coaster. From 10 am to 9 pm daily, the event will showcase evening performances by renowned folk artists from various towns. On the first day (March 9), at 6 pm, an art troupe from Tirupur presented a Salangai Attam’ at 6 pm. Additionally, Kailaya Vathyam and Adiyogi Divya Darshanam, a video imaging show mapped on the face of Adiyogi, are featured. The country cow market will run from March 15th to 17th, and a Rekla match is set for March 17th.
Tamil Thembu festival unveils cultural heritage at Isha Yoga Centre
11:55 AM Mar 11, 2024
| Afternoon News