Ramraj Cotton has kickstarted its annual 'Vetti Vaaram' initiative from January 1 to 7, aiming to promote the significance of traditional Tamil attire, the Vetti, especially among the younger generation. The program aligns with the spirit of Pongal festivities and highlights the cultural heritage of Tamil Nadu.
As part of this initiative, Ramraj has introduced a special Vetti Combo Pack, featuring a Culture Club Colour Shirt paired with a Vetti, priced affordably at Rs. 695. With over 10 vibrant shirt colors to choose from, the combo is designed to make traditional attire appealing and accessible for Pongal celebrations.
The campaign also supports the livelihoods of rural weavers and agriculturists, reflecting Mahatma Gandhi's vision of empowering villages through tradition. Founder KR Nagarajan emphasised the importance of preserving Tamil culture and making traditional clothing a part of everyday life.
The Vetti Combo Pack is available at all leading textile stores and Ramraj Cotton showrooms across Tamil Nadu, while stocks last. Managing Director BR Arun Eshwar and CEO KA Selvakumar expressed their enthusiasm for the initiative, highlighting its role in connecting people to their roots.
Ramraj Cotton launches ‘Vetti Vaaram’ ahead of Pongal festival
03:12 PM Jan 04, 2025
| Afternoon News