The state president of Tamil Nadu Overhead Water Tank Operators and Sanitation Workers Union EVK Shanmugam has pleaded to the government to hike the salary of part-time water tank operators working in various panchayats in Erode district.
Details of the petition sent by him to the government are: About 1800 part-time operators are working in Erode district alone.
The village panchayat is giving Rs 250 per month for filling the tank with water and then opening the valves.
A permanent operator is paid 3250 to 4600. The panchayat pays him Rs 250 for every extra tank he maintains.
If an operator maintains 5 additional tanks, he is paid Rs 1250 per month for those five tanks.
He helps other workers to get Rs 250 per month by allowing him to maintain the tank.
This payment is done by the Panchayat
Thus how can a part-time tank operator support his family with a meagre pay of Rs 250 per month.
So the government should intervene in this issue and give the tank operators a minimum monthly salary of Rs 10,000 and a pension of Rs 3250 so that every employee operating the drinking water tank will get a higher
If there are 10 hamlets in a panchayat only a few of them earn up to Rs 4600. Others get Rs 250 per month. This anomaly must change, he said.
Panchayat Water Tank Operators seek wage hike at Erode
02:35 PM May 06, 2024
| Afternoon News