Minister of Information and Publicity, MP Saminathan, marked a significant moment in Tiruppur on Tuesday by inaugurating two new projects. The minister unveiled a project valued at Rs. 85 lakhs in Kangayam Municipality and another valued at Rs. 2.13 crore in Muthoor Corporation.
In Kangayam Municipality, the minister inaugurated a community health complex building, a recreational park initiated under the Clean India Movement 2.0 scheme, and the Amrut 2.0 scheme, collectively valued at Rs. 85 lakhs.
Minister Saminathan unveiled a tar road and various infrastructure development projects in Muthoor Corporation, with a total worth of Rs. 2.13 crore.
The event witnessed the presence of Kangayam Municipality Commissioner Kaniraj, Kangayam Municipality Chairman Suryaprakash, along with several other esteemed government officials.
Minister Saminathan inaugurates new projects in Tiruppur
12:23 PM Mar 06, 2024
| Afternoon News