On the occasion of the memorial day of former Chief Minister Kalaignar Karunanidhi, the DMK organised a peace rally in Coimbatore. The rally commenced from Sidhapudur and was led by Minister Muthusamy, with the presence of District Secretaries N Karthik, Ex-MLA Tho. Ravi, and other leaders.
The procession moved through VKK Menon Road and proceeded to the statue of Anna in Gandhipuram. Upon reaching the statue of Kalaignar, the participants garlanded it and paid floral tributes in memory of the late leader.
More than 3,000 people took part in the rally, demonstrating their respect and remembrance for the former Chief Minister.
DMK leaders go on a peace rally on former CM Karunanidhi’s death anniversary
04:23 PM Aug 07, 2024
| Afternoon News