Commodore S Raghav, Deputy Director General of Tamil Nadu, Puducherry & Andaman Nicobar NCC Directorate, inspected the Group Headquarters NCC in Coimbatore during a strategic visit. The event, organised by Group Commander Colonel R Ramanathan, included updates on training and administrative matters, presentations, and key ceremonies.
A notable feature was a presentation on the automation of NCC processes, showcasing innovative advancements. Commodore Raghav also toured the battalions, observing the professionalism and dedication of the staff and cadets.
A special moment of the visit was the piping ceremony of Dr. MD Kannan from PSG College of Technology, who was conferred the honorary rank of Major. This prestigious recognition, granted to only five individuals nationwide, honours Dr. Kannan's remarkable 30-year contribution to the NCC and his steadfast commitment to its values.
Following the engagements, Commodore Raghav proceeded to Salem for the next phase of his inspection tour.
Commodore Raghav witnesses piping ceremony of Major MD Kannan from PSG College of Technology
03:51 PM Jan 08, 2025
| Afternoon News