Police personnel with 50 years of dedicated service were honoured in a grand event organised at AKR Academy School in Tirupur. The celebration, which brought together officers from five districts, provided an opportunity to reminisce about their careers and contributions to society.
The event was presided over by GC Palaniswami, Chairman of the Police Personnel Association. Tiruppur District Corporation Commissioner S Ramamoorthy, in his special address, emphasised the importance of unity and maintaining physical health for a fulfilling life. District Treasury Officer P Murugesan assured that discrepancies in pensions and wage transactions would be addressed efficiently. A Raju and GK Vasudevan were present.
Social activist Geetha Ganesan highlighted the physical fitness habits often associated with police personnel, such as daily walks, as a testament to their commitment to well-being.
Chairman GC Palaniswami expressed gratitude for receiving the "Gem of India" award and acknowledged the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister for introducing welfare schemes and free bus travel for police officials.
The event concluded with a vote of thanks by P Nataraj, who expressed appreciation for the school’s principal, K Lakshmi Narayanan, and the attending police officials. The ceremony ended on a high note with a feast, as well as dance and musical performances, celebrating the exemplary service of the honorees.