GKNM Hospital, a renowned name in healthcare excellence, has introduced its latest milestone with the inauguration of the GKNMH Medical Research Institute and Outpatient Centre. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K.Stalin inaugurated the facility through video conferencing from his camp office in Chennai, alongside KNC Trust Trustee Sanjay Jayavarthanavelu and Dr. Lalithadevi Sanjay Jayavarthanavelu.
Simultaneously in Coimbatore, the inauguration was graced by Coimbatore District Collector Kranthi Kumar Pati, KNC Trust President S. Pathy, Vice President R. Gopinath, and Dr. Ragupathy Veluswamy, CEO of GKNM Hospital.
Spanning an impressive 330,000 square feet, the integrated outpatient centre aims to set a new standard in healthcare services by merging advanced medical technologies with expert care teams. Operating from 8 AM to 8 PM daily, the centre offers a wide array of services including health evaluations, diagnostic imaging, laboratory services, and outpatient surgical procedures.
Additionally, it provides alternative therapies such as Yoga, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, and Homeopathy.
Dr. Ragupathy Veluswamy, Chief Executive Officer of GKNM Hospital, emphasised the institution's commitment to providing accessible, high-quality, and affordable healthcare. This new facility reflects their dedication to putting patients first and continues their legacy of advancements in healthcare solutions.
The outpatient centre is designed with patient convenience in mind, ensuring expedited consultations across specialties to enhance the overall healthcare
CM Stalin inaugurates medical research institute at GKNMH
02:12 PM Feb 28, 2024
| Afternoon News