In a tragic incident, a 4-year-old LKG student, the only daughter of Palanivel and Sivasankari, fell into a septic tank at a private higher secondary school in Vikravandi, Villupuram district, and lost her life. The incident occurred yesterday during the lunch break.
While the children returned to their classrooms after playing, the girl was found missing. Teacher Angel searched for her and eventually discovered that the lid of a nearby septic tank was broken. Upon looking inside, she found the child. The school administration quickly rescued the girl and rushed her to Mundiyampakkam Government Medical College Hospital, where doctors confirmed her death.
Shockingly, the school reportedly failed to inform the girl’s parents about the incident. Her grandfather, Karmegam, learned of her death only when he arrived to pick her up later in the day.
The incident sparked outrage among the girl's relatives, who staged a road blockade, accusing the school administration of negligence and demanding answers about the circumstances surrounding the tragedy. Questions arose regarding why the septic tank was accessible despite being fenced and how the child ended up there.
The Vikravandi police arrested three teachers Emilda, Domilla Mary, and Angel on charges of negligence. CCTV footage from the school is being examined, and further investigations are underway.
The child’s body was sent for an autopsy and later handed over to her parents. Following public protests, additional security was deployed at the school. Chief Minister MK Stalin expressed his condolences and announced a compensation of Rs. 3 lakh for the bereaved family from the Chief Minister's General Relief Fund.
4-year-old girl dies after falling into a septic tank in school in Villupuram
03:38 PM Jan 04, 2025
| Afternoon News