Logash, a 19-year-old from Kundrathur, is on the brink of making history by attempting to secure a Guinness World Record for the most number of jumping jacks in 12 hours.
With four years of relentless practice, Logash has been diligently preparing for this monumental feat. Having previously achieved recognition in the Asia and International books for the most diamond pushups, his determination knows no bounds.
Last year, at just 16 years old, Logash attempted the Guinness World Record for jumping jacks, smashing the previous record of 12,000 by reaching an impressive 21,420 counts in 12 hours.
The event, held at a badminton court in Kundrathur from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm, garnered widespread support from children and youngsters alike, who found inspiration in Logash's pursuit. Despite being a college student pursuing his BA Honors in History at MCC College, Logash dedicates a significant amount of time daily to sports.
With high hopes and determination, Logash anticipates securing his place in the Guinness Book of World Records within the next 12 weeks.
19-Year-Old Kundrathur boy aims for Guinness World Record in jumping jacks
11:31 AM Feb 17, 2024
| Afternoon News