As a first attempt in Tamil Nadu, 1,548 CCTV cameras will be installed in the small town of Sathyamangalam to carry out police surveillance work, said K. Bhavaneeswari, IG of the West Zone Police Department.
She inaugurated the installation of 1,548 CCTV cameras and the camera control room.
She said:
As a first attempt in Tamil Nadu, with the participation of local bodies, public, businessmen and doctors, the work of installing a CCTV camera, called the third eye, is underway in Sathyamangalam to prevent crime.
In the first phase, 250 cameras were installed and monitored and more than 10 crimes were prevented. It has also helped to track down criminals involved in crimes elsewhere. In the next phase, a total of 1,548 surveillance cameras will be installed with 1,248 cameras.
These cameras are capable of recording accurately at night. We appreciate Inspector Murugesan who has been a role model in the field of policing. Elderly couples living alone in 8 districts of western region have been surveyed and Kavalan app has been uploaded to them. Also, surveillance cameras are installed and monitored in the area.
Police have been actively patrolling the forest border along with the forest department as a preventive measure against Maoists in the Sathyamangalam forest area.
Nowadays, cybercrime crimes have increased. A special force has also been set up to prevent fraud by obtaining bank account details.
SP Jawahar, Inspector Murugesan and many others were present.
1548 CCTV cameras to be installed in Sathy
04:27 PM Jan 03, 2024
| Afternoon News