vivo has launched the vivo T3 5G, a performance-packed smartphone in India. This mid-range device is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 7200 mobile platform, offering seamless multitasking and an immersive user experience. It features a 6.67-inch FHD+ AMOLED screen, dual stereo speakers, and a 5000 mAh battery, with a 44W fast charging capability. The device is available in Crystal Flake and Cosmic Blue colors and will be available for purchase on March 27, 2024, across Flipkart and vivo India e-store.
The device is priced at INR 19,999 for the 8GB+128GB variant and INR 21,999 for the 8GB+256GB variant. The vivo T3 5G also features a professional-grade camera setup, capturing crystal-clear detail and ensuring smooth navigation. The device also has a 50 MP OIS camera and a 2 MP bokeh camera with the Sony IMX882 sensor for crisper shots and blur-free images. The vivo T3 5G also has a 5000 mAh battery for extended standby time.