Tamil Nadu Tourism Minister R. Rajendran conducted an inspection of maintenance and infrastructure improvements at key tourist locations in Coimbatore district on January 20, 2025. The minister visited Tamil Nadu Hotel in Gandhipuram , Coimbatore and Kovai Courtallam, a popular tourist attraction, to review the facilities and identify necessary upgrades.
Accompanied by Coimbatore District Collector Krantikumar Pati, Deputy Mayor R. Vetriselvan, Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department Joint Commissioner Mr. Ramesh, and several other officials, the minister assessed the condition of hotel rooms, the restaurant, and customer service standards. He emphasized the need for cleanliness, courteous customer interactions, and addressing minor shortcomings to enhance visitor satisfaction.
During the inspection at Kovai Courtallam, which falls under the Forest Department's jurisdiction, the minister examined the feasibility of providing essential facilities such as changing rooms, drinking water supply, restrooms, adventure sports amenities, and vehicle parking. Requests were received to renovate the ticket counter and enhance visitor convenience. He also reviewed plans for adventure tourism and the development of basic and advanced amenities from the Sadivayal forest checkpoint to the bathing area.
In addition to these inspections, R. Rajendran visited the Poondi Arulmigu Vellingiri Andavar Temple in Perur Taluk to evaluate the required infrastructure upgrades ahead of the pilgrimage season from February to May. He emphasized the importance of ensuring all necessary arrangements for devotees and tourists.
The minister also reviewed eco-tourism opportunities in Paralikadu and Poochamarathur, gathering insights into boat rides and environmental tourism. He discussed plans for sustainable development in these areas to enhance the livelihoods of the local hill communities.
Future upgrades for basic amenities at the Kurunthamala hilltop temple in Maruthur village, under the Karamadai Union, were also considered.
The inspections aimed to ensure that Coimbatore's prominent tourist spots receive the necessary facilities and improvements, benefiting both visitors and local communities.