Tamil Nadu has emerged as a powerhouse, leading the development in electronic devices and electric vehicle production in India.
The bustling capital city of Chennai, already hailed as the 'Detroit of India' for its prowess in automobile component manufacturing, is now setting new milestones in the electronic
Under the leadership of Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, Tamil Nadu has outpaced key states like UP, Maharashtra, and Karnataka in electronic exports.
In a remarkable feat, the state has boosted its exports from $1.86 billion to an impressive $5.87 billion in just two years.
The recent announcement of Foxconn Internet Company, a subsidiary of Foxconn, investing in Tamil Nadu speaks volumes about the state's attractiveness for global players.
Breaking barriers, Tamil Nadu achieved a historic milestone last month by exporting electronics worth a staggering $1 billion – a first in the annals of India's economic
The state's contribution to the nation's total electronics exports stands at an impressive 32.6%.
In a strategic move, the Tamil Nadu government, anticipating the next phase of development in electronics production, has announced the development of a new State Policy for Electronics and Semiconductors, cementing Tamil Nadu's position as the foremost electronics exporter.
A detailed state's plan for the future is expected to be released shortly.
As Tamil Nadu continues its meteoric rise in the electronic landscape, the state's journey towards becoming the number one electronics exporter is not just a local achievement but a proof to the triumph the vision and dedication of the government of propelling the state onto the global stage.
Tamil Nadu's Electronic Triumph
04:26 PM Jan 23, 2024
| Afternoon News