Kia, India's leading premium carmaker, has introduced its most premium Compact SUV - the New Sonet, at a special introductory price starting from INR 7.99 Lakhs (Ex-showroom) nationwide. Unveiled in December 2023, this latest iteration of Kia's second best-selling innovation boasts 25 safety features, including an outstanding ADAS with 10 autonomous features and a robust 15 Hi-Safety features. The vehicle hosts over 70 Connected car features including ‘Find My Car with SVM’, which gives a surround view of car’s vicinity and Hinglish commands to make Sonet the most comfortable drive.
Announcing the launch/price of the new Sonet, Mr.Myung-sik Sohn, Chief Sales and Business Strategy Officer, Kia India said, "We are once again premiumizing the Compact SUV segment by introducing the new Sonet. We are adding a substantial value-for-money proposition at the back of low maintenance and a top-tier safety proposition with the most advanced ADAS technology.
The New Sonet offers a diverse range of driving experiences with its availability in 19 different variants, including the 5 Diesel Manual variants starting from INR 9.79 lakhs. Segment-best ADAS Level 1, featuring 10 autonomous functions, is accessible in the top-of-the-line variants for both diesel and petrol engines. The GT Line and X-Line variants in Petrol costs INR 14.50 and 14.69 Lakhs and the Diesel costs 15.50 and 15.69 Lakhs, respectively.