The Golden Face of South India 2024 has successfully completed it's grand finale at Hilton Chennai. The Founders of Wyndow Entertainments, Gopinath Ravi & Saravanan along with the Founder & CEO of ACTC Studio Hemanth aimed to raise awareness about the skin donation for the acid attack victims through this beauty pageant.
The chief guests for the event were dazzling model and actress Amy Jackson and radiant actress Shreya Saran who crowned the winners of GFSI 2024 in their respective categories. Adding to the glamour, the renowned director & Honorary Chairman of Wyndow Entertainments, AL Vijay and the graceful brand ambassador Parvathi Nair shared the stage with our chief guests.
After meticulous evaluation, the crowning moment arrived, unveiling the victors who stood out in their respective categories. Varshini Venkat from Tamil Nadu secured the prestigious title of Miss Golden Face of South India 2nd Runner Up, while Megha Rajiv earned the coveted position of Mrs Golden Face of South India 1st Runner Up.
Additionally, the pageant celebrated regional excellence with Amaal Shajahan titled as Miss Golden Face of Tamil Nadu, Jacklin Sofia crowned as Mrs Golden Face of Tamil Nadu, and Nivedha Anuprasadh achieving the title of Mrs Golden Face of Chennai.
Golden Face of South India Pageant winners dazzle
10:28 AM Jan 29, 2024
| Afternoon News