Pavithra, a Class XII student from Coimbatore, has made her city proud by winning three gold medals at the national-level Qwan Ki Do competition held in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
Pavithra, the daughter of auto driver Sivakumar from Rathinapuri, competed in the sixth national Qwan Ki Do championship as part of the Tamil Nadu team.
The competition saw participation from over 600 athletes representing 28 states. Pavithra clinched gold in all three categories, semi-contact, full-contact fighting, and weapon combat, showcasing her exceptional talent and determination.
Upon her return to Coimbatore, Pavithra was warmly congratulated by her coach, Franklin Benny, and the principal of Sindhi Vidyalaya School, Bhagyalakshmi.
Coimbatore auto driver’s daughter wins 3 gold medals in national level
04:07 PM Jan 09, 2025
| Afternoon News