Chief Minister MK Stalin inaugurated the Pongal gift package distribution today at a ration shop in Saidapet, Chennai. This annual tradition provides essential items for the festive celebration of Pongal.
The gift package includes 1 kg of brown rice, 1 kg of sugar, and 1 whole sugarcane, benefiting 2.20 crore ration card holders across Tamil Nadu. The government has allocated Rs. 250 crore for this initiative.
Despite the distribution of these packages, some public disappointment has been expressed as the Rs. 1,000 cash component traditionally included in previous years is absent this time. Minister Thangam Thennarasu clarified that the omission was due to last year’s flood-related expenses and insufficient funds for disaster relief efforts.
Opposition parties have criticised the government’s decision and are pressing for the cash distribution to be reinstated. Meanwhile, the government emphasises its commitment to supporting citizens through the Pongal gift packages despite financial constraints.
Chief Minister Stalin launches Pongal gift packages in Chennai
03:57 PM Jan 09, 2025
| Afternoon News